Thursday, October 21, 2004


Yours is the fire, Lord,
the unquenchable light of truth
that burns away the dross
of all our illusions,
all our pretenses,
all our excuses
and convicts us
of our pettiness,
our sinfulness,
our lack of love.

Yours is the fire, Lord,
the beacon who lights our way home,
a lighthouse against those times
when we are lost in the fog
that the world would wrap us in,
in the darkness that
would wrap us in a shroud
of anguish
of despair
of hopelessness.
But your light
burns away the shadows
and reveals the truth of day.

Yours is the fire, Lord,
the love that transcends all,
and, if we let it,
your fire is the furnace
to transform our hearts,
until transparent,
we radiate with the fire of your love.
O use us, Lord,
and renew the face of the world!

Susan E. Stone, 2004

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

O Lord,
O how many times,
some days,
does the temper flare,
and the desire to strike out,
by word or deed
comes welling up.

O Lord,
teach me
when that moment comes
to lift it up to you,
my peace,
my light,
my hope,
and let your Spirit
speak the soothing words
deep into my soul
that I say the thing
that furthers your will,
and not mine.


Susan E. Stone, 2004

Monday, October 18, 2004


Let your words,
O Lord,
whisper into my heart
this day,
as I struggle
as I busy myself,
as I interact,
as I forget
as I fear
as I hope.

Breathe your presence
into all my day
that I may find myself
there with you
never alone
no matter if the moment seems
or dark
or lost
or hopeless,
for where you are
there is light
and hope
and promise,
this day and always,

Susan E. Stone, 2004


Sunday, October 17, 2004

This Day, O Lord 

This day, O Lord,
help us to forget our fears
as we respond to your invitation
to pray without ceasing,
to cast our cries to you,
to be transformed
into the tools
you use
to bring light,
into the dark and aching world.

Teach us to know
that when we lift up our arms,
no matter how weary,
you will let us win the day
against the darkness,
just like you won the war
the day you stretched out your arms
on Golgotha
in an open embrace
to free the whole world.


Susan E. Stone, 2004

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