Wednesday, August 13, 2003

On Jesus in the Eucharist

Each time you come to us,
O Lord,
Body and blood,
Soul and Divinity,
in that simple guise of bread,
it is like a heartbeat of love,
coursing through our soul,
healing our wounds.
O Bread of Heaven,
Adoro te devote, latens Deitas!

Susan E. Stone © 2003


Leaven: A Prayer

Oh my Jesus,
you said the kingdom of heaven is like the leaven
that makes the bread rise,
light and fluffy.

May we be bearers of that leaven,
the perfect love that comes down from Heaven
to share your love and light and hope
so that wherever we turn,
we can leaven the dark hardness around us.

May each word we speak,
each choice we make,
each life we touch
be filled with your leaven.


Susan E. Stone 2003


Tuesday, August 12, 2003


Like a long, drawn-out breath,
a pausing
was that last moment
of your old life.
who had seen and felt and been so much
to those around you,
a clear lamp
for the light of your beloved son.

And so it came to this moment then,
long years after your darkest day,
and brightest morning,
long days since you last kissed him goodbye,
your perfect son.

Did you not
let that last breath pass
like a goodbye kiss to those gathered around you,
dear faces all.

A moment only of darkness,
and then,
once again,
that beloved voice whispered in your ear.

"Mother, it's time. Let's go home."

Susan E. Stone © 2003


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